Testimonials & Case Studies

Jayne Trimble

Jayne went from a frustrated comfort eater who tried every diet under the sun and blamed herself to losing 20kg, feeling in control of food, improving her blood pressure and exercising for fun!

“Before I met Dr Aileen, I was desperate and miserable. I was terrified I was going to die and not be around to see my son grow up”

“IThe 12 weeks have made a monumental change to my life. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so well!”

Becky Aighton

From feeling like a failure, binge eating and low self esteem to losing 4 stone, reclaiming her self-confidence, accepting a job promotion, getting back on the dating scene and FINALLY believing she’s enough and loveable.

“I had tried diet clubs, therapy, counselling, personal trainers and other coaches. I was never told what to do, but I was asked questions to help me come to my own conclusions.”

“I really thought I was heading to an early grave. As corny as it sounds, I feel like I’ve got a second chance.”

Nicola Evans

Nicola shares her story of how she went from losing and regaining weight in a vicious cycle to taking control of her health & lifestyle, losing 2 stone, reclaiming her confidence, running a half marathon and melting away her stress.

“Before The Nourish Method, I’d tried slimming world, weight watchers and cutting carbs. I’d everything and anything, but I’d never tried this”

“It wasn’t just a plan to follow, it was personalised support and education given to me at the exact right time. It changed my outlook on everything”

Holly Greer

Holly felt her life was out of control, using crisps in front of the TV to unwind and not caring for herself.

In this client spotlight past client Holly shares her story of how she went from blaming her lack of willpower and falling off the wagon at the weekend to consistent weight loss, stopping her blood pressure medications and becoming the role model mum she always wanted to be.

“I’m a completely different person than when I started. My entire outlook on life has changed. I have a healthier and happier lifestyle”

Mary Short

From endless plans, programs & diets to eliminating comfort eating, and losing weight sustainably without having to give up chocolate or alcohol.

“I was surprised about how much food is linked to my self-worth and my self-esteem. I realised it’s more than the food that we put in our mouths”

“I’m a much calmer person. I’m less anxious. I take the time I need for myself without guilt, and I’ve realised the importance of self-care.”

I’m looking after myself emotionally rather than looking to food or alcohol. I know I’ll never go back to that place before because I have all of these tools, I don’t need to use food”

From exhausted serial dieter to feeling fully supported, eliminating comfort eating, losing weight, stopping her antidepressants and learning to love her body, Amanda shares her experience of TheNourish Method.

“Before if I was sad, I would automatically grab sweets, but now I have to tools to take care of my emotions without using food”

“I’ve finally learned how to love and trust my body”

“It’s a game changer. It’s completely changed my life!”

Amanda Raybould